8 декабря 2010 г.

Из зимы в лето. Двуликий город Патайя.

I'm in Pathaya finally. Yesterday i went to Ko Lan island. A speed boat took us there. It took only 20 minutes, dispite a fact, that it is pretty far away from mainland. That was really exciting trip, on the waves our boat jumped like a frog. As I don't really like couch potato way of having rest, I went exploring the island. In the midlle of a day there was supper with seafood. I came home as red as crawfish. In the evening I went to local market, bought some fruits, some of which I even don't know how to name :) I live close to main road, close to my future job. That is really nice place. Only one drawback - it is very loudly in the night. But I sleep so good, that I don't care about this.
