17 декабря 2010 г.

Странная вечерняя мысль.

Это покажется странным, но мне пришла в голову еще одна вещь, за которую я люблю эту страну. Здесь не надо носить носки :) Обулся в шлепки и пошел. Сразу отпадает множество проблем: покупка, стирка, сортировка носков по парам, поиск носков по утрам и прочее.  Мелочь, а очень приятно. 

   Завтра меня отправляют на инспекшен одной из самых популярных экскурсий - Река Квай. Протусуюсь там два дня, должно быть весело полюбому :)  В экскурсию включены покатушки на слоне и сплав по одноименной реке. Мне это место очень нравится. Вы смотрели фильм Мост через реку Квай ? Так вот, это как раз там. 

13 декабря 2010 г.

Today, tomorrow and ever Pattaya never die.

This slogan I see every morning on a road board while going to my job :) Yesterday I went for inspection (exploring excursions to know what I sell) to Under Water World. This is a very big aquarium so to say. You are walking inside of it, watching different inhabitants of underwater world, like lots of fishes, turtles, sharks, electric scats and etc. That was magnificent really. I heard that in Bangkok the aquarium is even bigger. Shall visit it some day also. Today I visited Vovan shop. They sell many things made of different leather: crocodile, cow, snake, electric scat and more. The prices are not so high, so it’s good spot for shopping I guess. Well, I have already been to Crocodile farm feeding crocodiles, Nong Nuch magnificent park where I bought a t-shirt with painting made by elephant, Kho Lan island, under water world, show of transsexuals Tiffany, porn X-show. Well Pattaya is really rich on excursions, there are lot more, which I haven’t visited yet. A , yea, I walked the famous Walking Street. Hope to put some pictures, but not have opportunity now, maybe later.

8 декабря 2010 г.

Из зимы в лето. Двуликий город Патайя.

I'm in Pathaya finally. Yesterday i went to Ko Lan island. A speed boat took us there. It took only 20 minutes, dispite a fact, that it is pretty far away from mainland. That was really exciting trip, on the waves our boat jumped like a frog. As I don't really like couch potato way of having rest, I went exploring the island. In the midlle of a day there was supper with seafood. I came home as red as crawfish. In the evening I went to local market, bought some fruits, some of which I even don't know how to name :) I live close to main road, close to my future job. That is really nice place. Only one drawback - it is very loudly in the night. But I sleep so good, that I don't care about this.
