9 июля 2010 г.

Today is the 9th of July, Friday . I realized that there is only 3 weeks left before our moto travel to Piter. And we still haven't discussed anything about our plans, who is taking part in this, what is our root, where do we stop and etc.  Today I go to Kaga - it is a small village in Ural Mountains, in Beloretsk district. I will write about this place a bit later.  On the next week I start to plan our run: collecting information about interesting places, contacts with bike clubs (for searching sleeping places and technikal support). Also we need to settle the date of departure.  Also we still dont't know the list of participants.  We want to stop in many cities on our root: Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod, then some places of the Golden Ring and then Piter. I plan to spend there about 5-7 days. After that I want to keep on going to Karelia (Solovetskie Ostrova). I guess there I will go Either alone or with Lesha Noga if he decide to go with us. As it would be to hard to go there on chopper. 
